R-type: Is it as good as we remember?

If we were going to make a podcast about remembering games from our childhood, then we had to start somewhere. So why not 1988 and R-type? Why not a game from our beloved Sega Master System? Surely we could remember that! Yes, that really was an excellent shooter, right?

We start this first episode by dusting off the cobwebs from our memories as we reminisce about how good R-type was. Then we go off and play it and tell you what we think now.

Warning: playing R-type now might ruin your childhood memories.This game is hard.

Throw your joypad at the wall in frustration hard. You have been warned.

Warning: playing R-type now might ruin your childhood memories. This game is hard.

Chris & Phil

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6 responses to “R-type: Is it as good as we remember?”

  1. Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen Avatar
    Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen

    I am impressed that you managed to get to level 3. After hearing this podcast I just had to play R-Type on the speccy. I haven’t played since it was released. I played for about 45 mins. without killing the level 1 boss!
    Damn a hard game. Nearly as hard as Cobra!

    1. chris Avatar

      Thanks for the comment – our first! It’s an incredibly hard game on any platform… but not quite as hard as Ghouls n’ Ghosts!

      Do you mean Cobra the Stallone movie game on the Speccy, or Twin Cobra the SHMUP?

      Hope you’re enjoying the podcast, and thanks for taking the time to find us here.

      1. Martin Prdersen Avatar
        Martin Prdersen

        Cobra the Stallone game on Speccy. It got high reviews and I was so disappointed back in the days.

        1. chris Avatar

          Oh, now you’ve made me think of that game! We didn’t have it in the queue of games to cover, but I’m putting it in now!

  2. Rune Vendler Avatar
    Rune Vendler

    Just adding a link for Bob Pape’s book, “It’s Behind You”, on the development of the Speccy version of R-Type: https://bizzley.42web.io/?i=1

    1. chris Avatar

      Thanks for pointing that out – I wasn’t aware of it. Firing up the Kindle now…

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